Administrative Case Closure Utility

This documents provides instruction for use of the new Administrative Case Closure Utility delivered with Build 1.56.2.




Granting Permissions for Administrative Case Closure


1. Agency Security Administrator must assign "Administrative Case Closure" user group to individuals that will be permitted to perform administrative case closures.

a. Navigate to Administration/Security, select Assign User Groups from left hand Navigation panel

b. Enter Last Name of individual, click Search

c. Click Edit link in User Search Results

d. Select "State Defined" in Type drop down, click Search

e. Locate Administrative Case Closure, place check in checkbox

f. Click Save


2. Once User Group is assigned, the user will need to log out and back in to invoke the newly added User Group


Performing an Administrative Case Closure


Note: A user must be assigned to the case before performing the following procedure.

Users assigned the Administrative Case Closure user group should perform the following steps to complete an Administrative Case Closure:

1. Navigate to Administration/Utilities, select Case Closure from left hand Navigation panel

2. Enter the Case ID, Case Closing Date and a narrative Closing Summary to document why the utility is being used to close the case. Click save.

3. "Case Has been closed." confirmation will be displayed for successfully closed cases.

4. If there any Unresolved Items preventing administrative case closure, they will be displayed, and must be corrected before an administrative case closure can be processed.


Click here to view a PDF of the administrative case closure process