Delete a Participant from a PSA

If a caretaker or child was added as a participant to a protective service alert (PSA) in error, you can delete the person's participant record.

To delete a participant from a PSA, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Home screen, click the Administration tab.

  2. Click the Utilities tab.

  3. Click the Maintain PSA link in the light-blue menu on the left. The PSA Filter Criteria screen appears.

  4. If needed, complete the search fields. Some PSA may already populate in the lower section of the screen.

  5. Click the Filter button. The results appear in the PSA(s) grid according to the filter criteria entered.

  6. Click the Edit link for the PSA you want to update. The Participants tab appears.

  7. Click the Delete link (on the right side of the Caretaker(s) Information grid) for the caretaker or child you want to remove from this PSA. The system displays a dialog box asking you to confirm the action.

  8. Click the OK button. The participant record is removed from the PSA. (The person profile, however, remains intact.)