The system sends email notifications to workers under certain circumstances, depending on business processes. For example, when a work item is assigned, the system sends an email notification to the assigned worker and that worker's supervisor.
Notifications are hard-coded in the business logic in the system. As a system administrator, you can create a notification template for these notifications, but you must coordinate the creation of the notification with the Ohio SACWIS development manager, according to the policies of your organization.
Never modify the notification code on a template. The system uses this value to generate the notifications. If the code is changed, the notification will no longer be generated.
As a State system administrator, you can record a notification as follows:
Click the Administration tab at the top of the screen.
Click the Maintenance tab.
Click the Notifications link in the menu on the left. The Maintain Notifications Search screen appears.
Enter the name of the notification in the Name field.
Click Search. In the search results table, the system displays the notification templates that match, or partially match, the name you entered.
Click the Edit link for the notification to update it, or click Add Notification to create a new notification. The Notification Details screen appears.
Complete the fields on this screen. You must complete at least these fields:
Reason for Change
Click Save. You are returned to the Maintain Notifications Search screen.