In Ohio SACWIS, security profiles are used to define the type of access allowed within a business process. It consists of one or more system resources, like web pages (screens), reports, and hyperlinks as well as employee access levels. One or more profiles are added to a user group, which is assigned to a worker. The worker then has all the access privileges defined by the security profiles associated with the assigned user groups.
As a State security administrator, you can update the security profiles used statewide and indicate whether they are available for agency-defined user groups. You can update the name, description, status, and access levels of a profile. Any changes made cascade into all user groups with that profile.
Update a security profile as follows:
Click the Administration tab at the top of the screen.
Click the Security tab.
Click the Security Profile link in the menu on the left. The Business Processes list screen appears. It lists all the business processes in Ohio SACWIS.
To limit the display of business processes, select a category in the Category field and click Filter. The system lists the processes within the category you selected.
Click the Edit link to view the details of a business process. The system displays the process, access levels, associated security profiles, and associated resources.
Update the fields in the top part of the screen.
Click Save. You are returned to the Business Process list screen.