Print a JFS 01699 Report

The JFS 01699 Pre-finalization Adoption Assessment Report reflects the pre-finalization assessment, which is completed before an adoption is finalized. Although the report can be printed at any time, it is provided to the adoptive parents and filed with the court at least 20 days before the finalization hearing.

Print the JFS 01699 report as follows:

  1. From the Home screen, click the Case tab.

  2. Click the Workload tab. The Case Workload screen appears.

  3. Click the case ID Number link for the adoption case you want to update. The Case Overview screen appears.

  4. Click the Pre-Finalization Information link in the menu on the left. The Pre-Finalization Adoption Assessment screen appears. It lists each child in the adoption case for whom an adoption placement record exists. (If no child appears, then a placement record of type "Adoption" does not exist and no assessment may be recorded.)

  5. Click the Report link. The Document Details screen appears.

  6. If a report had been previously generated, and saved; click the ID link to view/print. The report appears in a PDF.

  7. Or, click Generate Report. The Placement Decision Making Process Documentation-Placement Decision Making Process Documentation screen appears. Enter details in to the narrative field.

  8. Click Generate Report. The report appears in a PDF.

  9. To print the report, select File, then Print in your browser menu.

  10. To save the report to the report history in Ohio SACWIS, click the Save button in the lower-left area of the screen. Or click Cancel if you do not want to save the report.

    If you opened an existing report, close the browser window to return to the previous screen.