Search for Adoptive Families

When you conduct a search for adoptive families, the system identifies families whose service type and other criteria match the needs and characteristics of the adoptive child you select on this screen. You match providers for one child at a time. Once the potential adoptive families have been identified, you record a pre-matching decision to indicate whether they will be included in a matching conference.

Search for adoptive families as follows:

  1. From the Home screen, click the Case tab.

  2. Click the Workload tab. The Case Workload screen appears.

  3. Click the case ID Number link for the adoption case you want to update. The Case Overview screen appears.

  4. Click the Potential Adoptive Families link in the navigation bar on the left. The Potential Adoptive Families screen appears. The child name link displays a history of each adoptive family search that was completed for this child. (If there is not history, no matches have been completed for this child.)

  5. Select the child's name in the Child Name field, then click Search Families. The Provider Match Search Criteria screen appears.

  6. Enter the adoptive family criteria. The Service Category and Service Type fields must be complete. Click Additional Search Criteria link to use more specific provider criteria.

  7.  Enter the child's criteria. Click the Additional Search Criteria to include child characteristics in your criteria.

  8. Click Search. The providers who match the search criteria appears in the Provider Match Search Results table.

    The system brings over to the adoption case all of the adoptive family matches it found, so that the system can reflect a complete history of all automated match results. You can restrict, with an explanation, providers from future searches when you record a pre-matching decision.

  9. Click OK to save the search results. (Or click Generate Report to print a report of the search criteria and results.)

    You are returned to the Potential Adoptive Families screen. The child's name appears in a new link if this is the first search conducted.

  10. Click the child name link. A list of each search record appears, reflecting a complete search history for that child.

  11. Click the View Criteria or View Results link to review the criteria used or matches, then click Close to return to the Potential Adoptive Families screen.

  12. Repeat steps 4-10 to conduct a search for another child in this case.