Ticklers: Eligibility
Tickler name |
Tickler created... |
Due days & display days |
Tickler disposed when... |
Annual Redetermination |
When a reimburseability record is created or updated. The reimburseability status is ”r;Completed,” the reason is ”r;Annual Redetermination,” and IV-E reimbursability indicator is ”r;Yes.” |
Due in 365 calendar days. Displayed 30 before the due date. |
The reimburseability record is created or updated with the following: The reimburseability status is ”r;Completed” or ”r;Pending;” The reason is ”r;Annual Redetermination;” and, The effective date is later than or the same as tickler due date for the child. |
Annual Reasonable Effort Determination |
When a reimburseability record is created or updated. The reimburseability status is ”r;Completed,” the reason is ”r;Annual Reasonable Efforts,” and the IV-E reimbursability indicator is ”r;Yes” for the child. |
Due in 365 calendar days. Displayed 60 before the due date. |
The reimburseability record is created or updated with the following: The reimburseability status is ”r;Completed” or ”r;Pending;” The reason is ”r;Annual Reasonable Efforts;” and, The effective date is later than or the same as the tickler due date for child. |
Redetermine IV-E Eligibility |
When the most current reimburseability record (based on the effective date) is updated, on a record where the reimburseability status is ”r;Completed” and the IV-E reimbursability indicator is ”r;Yes” for a child who is over 17. The tickler due date is the child’s 18th birthday. |
Due date is the child’s 18th birthday. Displayed 30 before the due date. |
The child’s most recent eligibility record (based on the effective date) is updated, on a record where the determination type is ”r;Age” and the determination status is ”r;Pending” or ”r;Completed.” |
Initial Eligibility Determination |
At the creation of a new court legal status record on which the agency legal status is ”r;Emergency Custody to Agency,” ”r;Ex-parte,” ”r;Initial VAC,” ”r;Permanent Custody,” ”r;Permanent Surrender,” ”r;PPLA,” ”r;Temporary Court Order,” or ”r;Temporary Custody.” The status ”r;Initial” is defined as the first agency legal status following a termination of agency legal status (except when the termination reason is "Change in Custody Type") or when no other legal status exists for the action participant. |
Due in 60 calendar days. Displayed 30 before the due date. |
The eligibility record is created or updated. The status of the child’s eligibility record is ”r;Completed.” |
PASSS Decision Date |
When an application date is entered on a new PASSS record (adoption subsidy type). |
Due in 45 calendar days. Displayed 35 days after the documented application received date. |
An agreement (decision) date is entered on the PASSS record. |
Complete Subsidy Eligibility Determination |
When an application date is entered on a new adoption subsidy record for AA or a SAMS (adoption subsidy type). |
Displayed 10 days after the documented application received date. |
The eligibility code on a subsidy eligibility record is updated to a value other than ”r;Not Determined.” |
Final Review-Terminate Subsidy |
When entering an age qualification when the child is 17 years 11 months or older and the eligibility code is ”r;Yes” or ”r;Yes – Sustained.” |
Due date is the child’s 21st birthday. Displayed 60 before the 21st birthday. |
A review date is entered on a subsidy review record in which the child is 20 years 10 months or older. |
Continued Eligibility-Adoption Subsidy |
When entering a review date on a subsidy review record when the child is 16 or older and the eligibility code is ”r;Yes” or ”r;Yes – Sustained.” |
Due date is the child’s 18th birthday. Displayed 60 days before the child’s 18th birthday. |
A review date is entered on a subsidy review record in which the child is 17 years 11 months or older. |
Quarterly PASSS Review |
When an effective date is entered on an adoption subsidy record for a PASSS. The current State fiscal quarter (SFQ) is based on the effective date. SFQs are 7/1 to 9/30, 10/1 to 12/31, 1/1 to 3/31, and 4/1 to 6/30. The due date is the last day of the next SFQ. |
Due date is last day of the SFQ. Displayed 10 days after the start of the SFQ. |
A review date is entered after the start of the next SFQ for a PASSS. |
Annual Review - Adoption Subsidy |
When an adoption Subsidy (AA or SAMS) record created or Review (AA or SAMS) record created. For Initial record, Status is ”r;Approved.” For Review record, Eligible for Continued Subsidy is ”r;Yes.” |
Due date 365. Displayed 60 before due. |
A review record is created and the child’s eligibility for continued subsidy is a value other than ”r;Not Determined.”
See: View my ticklers for more assistance.