You may request law enforcement support when the nature of situation, agency procedures, or OAC rules warrant.
Record law enforcement involvement as follows:
From the Home screen, click the Case tab.
Click the Workload tab. The Case Workload screen appears.
Click the Case ID Number link of the case you want to view. The Case Overview screen appears.
Click the Law Enforcement link in the navigation bar on the left. The Law Enforcement Involvement History screen appears.
Click the Add Law Enforcement button. The Law Enforcement Involvement Details screen appears.
Select Intake ID from drop down. Complete the fields on this screen. You must complete at least the Date Requested and Jurisdiction fields. Select Yes or No from Law Enforcement Assisted field. If you select No a justification must be provided in the If No, Explain field.
Click Save. You are returned to the Law Enforcement Involvement History screen.