About Case Plans

The case plan in Ohio SACWIS is the tool used for addressing the overall needs of the family or case participants. Case plans can be ordered by the court or initiated by the responsible agency without court involvement. The case plan is required when in-home supportive services are being provided or need to be provided to a child, parent, guardian, or custodian.

The case plan is typically recorded after the family assessment has been completed. However, the case plan is created without a family assessment when the case plan participant is a deserted baby, safe-haven child, or a permanent-surrender child.

If a child is in the permanent custody of the agency, a child-only case (adoption case) is created which will allow for a child-only case plan. If a sibling group that is eligible for adoption is documented in the adoption case, you can create one case plan for the sibling group.

Case Plan Activities

As a worker on the case, you work with the family to identify the strengths (non-risk contributors) and concerns (risk contributors). Then you identify the appropriate services that benefit the family or individual child. The case plan document reflects your service planning efforts, as well as the following:

Case Plan Types

You can complete one of three types of case plans: