A case is a record that consists of members and associated persons for the purpose of providing, recording, and supervising information and services. A case is created at the end of the intake process. The screening decision maker screens in the intake, then either links the intake to an existing case record or creates a new case to which the intake is linked. When creating a new case, the screening decision maker also assigns the case to a caseworker. The case record reflects all of the intakes that are linked to it.
The caseworker sees the new case in his or her case workload. One of the first tasks this worker will do on a new case is complete the case profile, which includes basic case information. (See Record a case profile.) If an intake is linked to an existing case, the system sends a notification to all of the workers assigned to the case.
The Case area is the hub of activity in Ohio SACWIS. It draws information from other areas of Ohio SACWIS, so that you can efficiently manage case records.
The intake records associated with a case become a part of the case record. The system transfers certain details (such as participants) from the intake record to the case record. You can view the linked intakes from the case record. (See View intakes linked to a case.)
The CAPMIS tools for assessing family functioning and child safety have been incorporated into the Case area. These include the safety assessment, safety plan, family assessment, specialized assessment, and ongoing assessment.
Court activities, such as case plan approvals, motions, rulings, hearings, and so on, are managed from the case record. Legal action histories may be viewed at the case level or by case participant. (See View legal actions.) The system creates a court calendar based on the dates of hearings that have been entered into Ohio SACWIS. (See View or print a court calendar.)
The systems pulls case information into the Financial area to determine a child's IV-E eligibility and reimbursability.
When you need to find providers for services or placements, the system retrieves information from the Provider area and allows you to connect the providers to the case record. The system uses information entered on the case to match the child or family with provider services and criteria.
When you open a new family case record, the system displays the Case Overview screen. This screen displays a summary of information about the case. The Case Actions area contains links to the case profile, associated cases. For an adoption case, this area contains links to case member details and the original case.
The links in the menu on the left allow you to view or add other kinds of records associated with the case, for example, assessments, court activities, case services, case plans, placements, and so on.