About Case Service Groups

When you record a case service, you assign a service group to the service. (See Record Case Services for Individuals or Record Case Services for Case Member Groups for instructions.) The service group associates the service with a phase of activity or with a case plan goal. You associate a service with one of these service groups:

Service group


Use when

Adoption Services

Services or activities designed to bring about the adoption of a child.

Or the range of services that provide children who are legally free for adoption, or for whom adoption is the best plan, with permanent homes under new legal parentage. Services include adoption promotion, support services, pre- and post-adoptive services, and activities that expedite the adoption process and support adoptive families.

The case plan goal is adoption.

Assessment/ Investigation Services

Services provided or arranged by the agency to children and families as a result of needs discovered during the course of the assessment/investigation

Services are being provided during the course of an abuse/neglect investigation  or following the investigation and no case plan has been developed.

In-Home Family Preservation Services

Services provided to children and their families in their own homes. These services are designed to prevent the placement of children and to assist families at risk, or in crisis care for their children, and protect their children from harm. (This group applies to both adoptive and extended families.)

This is for voluntary in-home cases and protective supervision cases.

The case plan goal is maintain child(ren) in his/her own home; prevent removal.  .

Reunification Services

Services that are provided to a child who is placed in an out-of-home care setting and to the parents, guardian, or custodian and substitute caregiver, in order to facilitate the reunification of the child safely with the family. Services are designed to alleviate stress and promote parental competencies. The services promote behaviors that will increase the ability of families to successfully nurture their children, enable families to use other resources and opportunities available in the community, and create supportive networks that will enhance the parents' child-rearing abilities.

The case plan goal is to return the child(ren) to the parent, guardian, or custodian.

Planned Permanent Living Arrangement  Services

Services designed to increase the strength and stability of families; to increase parents’ confidence and competence in their parenting abilities; to afford children a safe, stable, and supportive family environment; to strengthen parental relationships; and to promote healthy child development.

The case plan goal is to place the child(ren) in a planned permanent living arrangement. (Excludes adoption).

Independent and Transitional Living Services

Services and activities designed to help older youth in foster care make the transition to independent living.

The case plan goal is independent living.

Preventive Services

Provided to children and their families in their own homes. These services are designed to prevent the placement of children and to assist families at risk, or in crisis care for their children, and protect their children from harm. (This group applies to both adoptive and extended families.)

A case plan goal has not been established. Or this is a FINS (family in need of services) case in which there may be potential for abuse or neglect but no report of alleged child abuse and neglect was received/investigated.