Record a Leave From a Placement

You record a child's leave from a placement when a situation arises that causes the child to be absent from the substitute care setting for a period of less than 14 days and with the intent to return. Recording the leave allows workers to track where a child is physically located and to ensure that his or her bed remains available. The provider's capacity and availability information does not change, thus preventing the placement of another child during this period. (See Record Placement Information for About Placements for more information.)

Record a child's leave from a placement as follows:

  1. From the Home screen, click the Case tab.

  2. Click the Workload tab. The Case Workload screen appears.

  3. Click the case ID Number link of the case you want to update. The Case Overview screen appears.

  4. Click the Placement link in the navigation bar on the left. The Placement Records Filter Criteria screen appears. It displays the placement records for all the children in the case.

  5. Click the Leave link to the right of the status on the placement record you want to update. This link is enabled only when the placement record status is "Completed."

    The Maintain Placement Leave Information screen appears. It displays the leave records that have been recorded for this child's placement.

  6. If you are updating an existing leave record, click the Edit link. Or click Add Placement Leave to create a new leave record. The Placement Leave Details screen appears. Only one current leave record may be active at a given time.

  7. Complete the fields on this screen. You must complete at least the Leave Date, Leave Reason, and Location Type fields.

    If you are recording an end to a leave, complete the Return Date field.

  8. If you need to update the provider information, click Search Provider, then locate and select the provider.  

  9. Click Save. You are returned to the Placement Leave Information screen. The new leave record appears in the grid.

  10. Click Close. You are returned to Placement Records Filter Criteria screen.