Record a Placement From the Placement Request

If a provider has been identified from a placement request, you can record the placement directly from the placement request record. When you do this, the system automatically applies the information entered on the placement request to the placement record. (You can also record a placement independently of a placement request.)

The system transfers the provider information to the placement record once the potential match status is changed to "Accepted."

Record a placement from the placement request as follows:

  1. From the Home screen, click the Case tab.

  2. Click the Workload tab. The Case Workload screen appears.

  3. Click the case ID Number link of the case you want to update. The Case Overview screen appears.

  4. Click the Placement Request link in the navigation bar on the left. The Placement Requests Filter Criteria screen appears. It lists any existing placement requests for children in this case.

  5. Click the Edit link next to the name of the child whose placement you are recording. The Placement Request Details screen appears.

  6. Click Record Placement. The Service Information tab appears.

  7. Complete the fields on the screen. You must complete at least these fields:

    Service Type
    Begin Date
    Placement Type
    ICCP Delivered
    Relationship to Child

  8. Complete Save. You are returned to the Placement Request Details screen.

  9. Click Cancel. You are returned to the Placement Requests Filter Criteria screen.