Ohio SACWIS allows you to manage requests for Interstate Compact for Placement of Children (ICPC) placement/supervision or Interstate Compact on Adoption and Medical Assistance (ICAMA). The process for recording an interstate compact is similar to other intakes. You select the Family In Need of Services category and either ICPC or ICAMA as the intake type.
Record ICPC or ICAMA information as follows:
From the Home screen, click the Case tab.
Click the Workload tab. The Case Workload screen appears.
Click the case ID Number link for the case you want to open. The Case Overview screen appears.
Click the ICPC/ICAMA link in the navigation on the left. The ICPC/ICAMA List screen appears. It lists the ICPC or ICAMA records for each child in the case.
To create a new ICPC or ICAMA record, click the Add ICPC/ICAMA Information. Click the Edit link to update an existing ICPC or ICAMA record. You can edit a record that is in "Incomplete" status. The system defaults to the Child Info tab; with ICPC/ICAMA Identifying Data screen appears.
Complete the fields on this screen to select or update the type of compact and to record information about the agencies and providers involved. You must complete at least these fields:
Sending/Receiving Agent
Child Legal Status (for an ICPC request)
Click the Request Info tab. The Initial Request Documentation screen appears.
Complete the fields to indicate the when you sent or received the documents listed, or when you requested information. You must complete at least the Name of Supervising Agency of Sending/Receiving State field.
The information you enter on this screen may affect the child's Medicaid benefits.
Click Save. You are returned to the ICPC/ICAMA List screen. The case category on the case is changed to ICPC or ICAMA.