Risk reassessment information (case review/SAR)

This screen allows you to view, add, or update the risk reassessment portion of the case review or semiannual review (SAR). A risk reassessment is necessary for a CA/N case. You record a risk reassessment to describe whether the risk of future maltreatment has decreased, increased, or remained the same, based upon the provision of services. This risk reassessment informs decisions regarding child permanency and further service provision.

You must answer all items by selecting the radio buttons before clicking the Calculate Scores button. Once you click this button, the system calculates two scores, for abuse and neglect. It uses the highest of the two scores as the actual risk level. The Policy Override link at the top of the screen allows you to view the calculated score.

If you change an answer after clicking the Calculate Scores button you cannot move away from this screen until you click the button again to recalculate the scores.

How do I...

Record a case review/SAR

Record a risk reassessment

Fields on this screen


[CM41 s13]