Independent living contact directory screen

This screen allows you to view; add active, and inactive associated members, and edit the contacts that are listed. You can also create new contacts to add to the directory such as caseworker, clergy, teachers and so on.

The Edit link takes you to the contact details screen where you can identify the person listed as a permanent adult connection for the youth.

The Active/Inactive slide button allows you to maintain the contact's status.

The Case Members/Associated Persons drop down list will display all active and inactive members on the case.

The Add or Create New Contact buttons allows you to add additional contacts who are not listed as case members; and identify their role in the youth's life.


How do I...

Add youth contacts

Create new contacts

Identify a contact as a permanent adult connection

Inactivate a youth contact

Delete a person from the contact directory

Related policies

5101:2-42-19 Requirements for the provision of independent living services to youth in custody

5101:2-42-19.1 Requirements for independent living arrangements for independent living youth in custody

5101:2-42-19.2 Requirements for provision of independent living services to young adults who have emancipated

Fields on this screen


[CM44 s11]