Independent living contact details screen

This screen is where you will identify a person who is not an active, or inactive case member and add them to the youth's contact directory. You can conduct a person search to locate the person in SACWIS, or enter their name in the field provided and record their relationship to the youth. From this screen, you will also identify if the contact is a permanent adult connection. By letting your cursor hover over the the system defines permanent adult connection.

You will record the contact person's address, and contact details.   

How do I...

Add youth contacts

Create new contacts

Identify a contact as a permanent adult connection

Inactivate a youth contact

Delete a person from the contact directory

Related policies

5101:2-42-19 Requirements for the provision of independent living services to youth in custody

5101:2-42-19.1 Requirements for independent living arrangements for independent living youth in custody

5101:2-42-19.2 Requirements for provision of independent living services to young adults who have emancipated

Fields on this screen

