This screen displays, by default, the name of the youth for whom the IL is being planned, and a date field to record when they signed the IL plan. From this screen you will add other available persons who participated in the youth's IL plan, including assigned and unassigned workers, parents and so on. You can conduct a person search to add individuals who participated in the IL plan but are not recognized by the system as available. Once an individual is added to the signatures screen, you will identify their relationship to the youth, and record the date they signed the IL plan.
A icon will display to the right of the date field
next to any participant who can be deleted from the signatures screen
until the plan is saved as closed. The youth's signature on the plan is
required and they cannot be deleted from the signature screen.
Add plan participants to the IL plan signature screen
Conduct a person search to add an IL plan participant to the signature screen
Record the relationship of plan participants on the signature screen
5101:2-42-19 Requirements for the provision of independent living services to youth in custody