CRIS-e data inquiry

This screen allows you to initiate a CRIS-E inquiry for a child in the custody of a IV-E agency. Through a regular batch process, Ohio SACWIS updates the CRIS-E database with pertinent details of the child's case. This inquiry allows you to view the information in the CRIS-E database and ensure that information is accurate in both systems.

The Child Search button allows you to select the child whose case information you want to compare. The Launch CRIS-E Information button instructs the system to retrieve the child's case information from the CRIS-E database.

The CRIS-E information appears in a new window that sits on top of the Ohio SACWIS screen, so that you can keep the CRIS-E window up while navigating to other areas in Ohio SACWIS for comparisons or corrections.

How do I...

View CRIS-E information for a child


[FM23 s01]