This screen allows you to record the discontinuation of a safety plan.
Discontinue a safety plan
5101:2-37-01 PCSA requirements for completing the safety assessment
5101:2-37-02 PCSA requirements for completing the safety plan
End Date
Enter the date on which the safety plan was discontinued. Use the format MM/DD/YYYY.
Reason for Discontinuation
Select the reason why the safety plan was discontinued.
Additional Details Regarding Discontinuation of Work
Enter additional information about the discontinuation of the safety plan. You can enter up to 1000 characters.
Have Appropriate Parties been Notified of Plan Discontinuation?
Select Yes or No to respond to the question.
If you selected Yes to the question above, enter the date the parties were notified of the plan's discontinuance. The system defaults to today's date.
[IV06 s12]