Print a Permanent Surrender Report

As described in the JFS 01666 - Permanent Surrender agreement, the parents give up their parental rights permanently. The agreement, and change in legal status, is recorded on the child's person profile. You can access the person profile record from the child's person profile as follows:

To generate a VAC report from the child's case overview, complete the following steps:

  1. Click on the Case tab. Select the Workload  tab. Select your name link. The cases assigned to the worker are listed below.

  2. Click the appropriate ID Number link. The Case Overview screen appears.

  3. Select the Forms / Notices link in the navigation bar on the left. The Maintain Forms/Notices screen appears.

  4. In the Reports field, select JFS 01666 - Permanent Surrender.

  5. Click the Report button. The Document Details screen appears.

  6. To print an existing report, click the ID link.

  7. For a new report, click the Generate Report button. The JFS 01666 - Permanent Surrender Form parameter screen appears.

  8. Complete the fields on this screen to complete the agreement. Many of the fields are mandatory.

  9. Click the Generate Report button. The report appears in a PDF.

  10. To print the report, select File, then Print in your browser menu.

  11. To save the report to the report history in Ohio SACWIS, click the Save button in the lower-left area of the screen.

  12. Or click Cancel if you do not want to save the report. You are returned to the Maintain Forms/Notices screen.

  13. If you opened an existing report, close the browser window to return to the previous screen.