Process: Determine eligibility for IV-E FCM
After you have completed the requirements details, the system enables the Determine Eligibility button on the Eligibility Status screen, allowing you to run the process that determines whether the child is eligible.
Run the eligibility determination as follows:
Once you have completed and verified the details on the Requirements 7 to 9 screen, click Save to commit the information. You are returned to the Eligibility Status screen.
Enter any additional information or explanation related to this eligibility record in the Comments field.
Click Eligibility Determination. The system runs the business rules to determine the child's eligibility, then displays the results.
Click Save to accept this determination. The system displays a dialog box asking you to confirm the action.
Click OK to save this determination and freeze the record from any further updates; or click Cancel to stop the action and return the eligibility status to "Not Determined." You can then make further verifications or adjustments to this eligibility record.
When you save the eligibility determination, the Eligibility/Reimbursability History screen displays the "Completed" in the Status column and the determination (Yes or No) in the IV_E Eligibility column. When you do not save the determination, the record remains in "Pending" status.