The caseworkers complete requests for placement and approve service authorizations for payment.
As the fiscal worker, you can view these service authorizations in detail or summary as follows:
Click the Financial tab at the top of the screen.
Click the Services tab.
Click the Service Authorization link on the left navigation bar. The Service Authorizations Filter Criteria screen appears.
Service authorization records have either "Pending" or "Approved" status. Payment requests are generated on authorizations in "Approved" status.
Enter information to refine your search. The more details you enter the more refined your search. To limit results by contract, click the Contracts Search Criteria +. Click Search Contracts. The Contracts Filter Criteria screen appears.
Click Search. The Service Authorization table appears populated with search results..
Click Edit to view details next to the authorization you want to view. The Service Authorization Details screen appears.
Click Cancel. You will get a pop up warning asking if you are sure you want to cancel; that any unsaved changes will be lost. Click OK. You are returned to the Service Authorizations Filter Criteria screen.
Click Summary link. The Service Authorization Summary screen appears.
Click Close. You are returned to the Service Authorizations Filter Criteria screen.
The cost type on these screens appear as "Contracted" for contracted costs or "Standardized" for standardized costs. If the system does not find either cost type record in the system, "User Defined" appears. Contract costs information is retrieved from the Contract Placement Cost Details screen.