View Statewide Service Ceilings

The State IV-E Administrator establishes ceilings for providers' services. This ceiling is the maximum amount the State will reimburse a county agency for a given service. Each year the Administrator collects the agency rates of all counties, then computes ceilings based on the statewide average rates for all services.

This is a read-only function. State personnel update the statewide service ceilings.

View statewide service ceilings as follows:

  1. Click the Financial tab at the top of the screen.

  2. Click the Services tab.

  3. Click the Provider Ceilings link in the left navigation bar. The Provider Reimbursement Ceilings Search Criteria screen appears.

  4. Select Agency Name. Select Service Description.

  5. Click Search. The Provider Reimbursement Ceilings Search Results table appears showing details pertaining to the service, including history; and break down of maintenance and administration, with a total cost of the statewide service ceiling.

  6. Click the View link for a ceiling record for which you want to view the details. The Reimbursement Ceiling Set Details screen displays a break down of the Reimbursement Group, Cost Type, Ceiling, and Cost; totaled at the bottom of the screen.

  7. Click Close. You are returned to the Provider Reimbursement Ceilings Search Criteria screen.