Using Online Help
Online help, what you are viewing now, is like a large user manual. Instead of being printed on paper, it's online and available from within the Ohio SACWIS system whenever you need it. Online help appears in a browser window that appears on top of the Ohio SACWIS window.
Click one of the links below to learn about the features in online help.
Screen help is "context sensitive," which means it displays information about the active screen. To launch this type of help, click the help button in the upper-right portion of the screen. The topic appears in a small browser window (if you have not previously re-sized your browser). It briefly describes the purpose of the screen you are viewing and provides you with links that lead to the type of additional assistance you may need.
Screen help includes:
Movie reel icon are Captivate videos. These videos provide work processes training. If a Captivate video exists for a work process, they will display as a movie reel icon on the processes online help screen topic. Captivate videos capture SACWIS work processes screen by screen as a record is created and completed. They are narrated to include an explanation of the steps needed to complete the record. Click the icon to launch the Captivate Video. These can also be found as link on the knowledge base.
"How do I" links. These topics explain how to do a specific task in the system.
Knowledge Base Articles, (KBA) links. These provide policy guidance and practice application.
Related Policies links. These open another browser window that displays the relevant sections from the State's Family, Children and Adult Services Manual (FCASM) web site.
Fields definitions. These explain how to complete fields in which you make entries. This is where you can also find out how much text you can enter in a narrative field. A length of 4,000 characters (including spaces) is roughly 700 words. A length of 200 characters is about 32 words.
Task help from within SACWIS explains how to complete a record in Ohio SACWIS. There are two ways of opening task help:
From the Help & Training link at the bottom of the screen. This opens the whole help system, with navigation panes above and to the left of the topic content.
From a link under the "How do I" heading in screen help. This link opens the specific task in the same small browser you are viewing the screen topic. You can click the Show link (and re-size the browser window if necessary) to view the whole help system.
The tasks are listed in the Contents of the online help system, in the same manner as in a paper manual. Tasks are grouped according to the functional work areas.
Most of task help outlines the steps to navigate to the relevant area of the system and to successfully create or update a record in the system. (We generally use the verb "record" to apply to both adding new records and updating existing records, since the steps for doing either are almost the same.) Other task-related topics provide overviews of functional areas or other reference information.
Some task help topics outline a process that involves more than a few steps, for example, completing a new intake, an assessment tool, a provider home study, and so on. The heading "Process" appears in the overall topic, and each step is a link to a subtask. In the topic for a subtask, you see a link back to the overall process. You also see Previous Task and Next Task links at the bottom of the topic; these let you navigate back and forth through the process.
Captivate Videos are additional process online help support. If a Captivate Video exists for a process, they will display as a movie reel icon on the online help screen topic. Captivate Videos capture SACWIS work processes screen by screen as a record is created and completed with an explanation of the steps needed to complete the record. Click that icon to launch the Captivate Video. These can also be found as link on the knowledge base.
Some screen help topics provide links that will open a new browser window, taking you directly to child welfare policy guidance, and practice application assistance. Other links may take you directly to other related articles in the Ohio SACWIS knowledge base
While task help may tell you to complete the fields on a screen, it does not tell what values to select for a given situation. This type of guidance depends on too many variables—it's up to you to determine, based on your own job knowledge and experience, the correct field entries on a given record. If you need this type of job-related guidance, refer to the OAC on the screen topic related policy, and the CPS Worker Manual.
When you open online help from the Help & Training link, the top navigation pane displays a Glossary icon. When you click this, the glossary opens in the left pane. Select the glossary term in the upper portion of the left-side pane, and the definition appears in the lower portion.
When you open online help from the Help & Training link, the top navigation pane displays a few icons that help you locate the topics that are of interest to you. The left-side navigation pane displays the tool you select in the top navigation pane.
Contents. Organizes topics according to functional job areas. Categories of task help topics appear as "books" in the contents. Specific topics appear as "pages" bearing question marks.
Index. Displays key words in alphabetical order, like the index of a book. Type the word or concept you are looking for in the field at the top of the pane to navigate to that section of the index. Click on an index entry to display the topic associated with it. If more than one topic is associated with the word, select one of the topic links that appear on top of the word.
Search. Allows you to search help content for specific terms. Type the term you are looking for in the field at the top, then click Go. The topics that contain the term you entered are listed in the pane. Click the topic to view the content.
When you open online help from the Help & Training link, the top navigation pane displays a Print icon. If you are on a screen-level topic, click the Show link to display the help navigation panes. Click Print icon to print the content of the topic you are viewing. The Print window (in Windows) appears. Click Print. The topic is printed on the printer you selected.