About Intake Workload

The Intake Workload provides various tools and options to help you locate a specific intake, identify and/or organize how to view and manage the intake workload based on priority, the amount of time remaining to save a screening decision, screener, and so on. The Intake Workload shows currently in process intakes by default based on the screener, or SDM's role.

Intake Workload Header

The Intake Workload header has an Add Intake button. There is also an Add Intake button under the Intake Workload, or below the Intake Header if no intakes are listed in the workload. The Intake Workload header also has a View By field that lists options for which you can select to filter and view specific intakes in process.    

The Add Intake button is selected to add a new intake. An intake is created when Apply or Save is selected from the footer located at the bottom of the screen on all intake tabs. Once an intake is added to the system it will display in the Intake Workload. An intake can not be deleted.

The View By field in the header allows you to view intakes by status; amount of time remaining on intakes; and all. Once you select an option from View By drop down list, and click Filter, the intakes that meet the criteria selected will appear in the table below. Above the intakes listed, the system shows how many intakes are showing in the table for the filtered selection.  


Intake Workload Columns

Navigation Links

Screener/SDM View: The furthest column to the left of the intake has two links that navigate to the intake. The View link opens the intake as read only. This link will display until the intake is linked to a case. The Edit link opens the intake to editing. It will display until the intake is saved with the status of Complete. After the intake status is saved complete, the Edit link will no longer display. The screener can open the completed intake as read only by selecting the View link. If, however a SDM returns the completed intake for additional work, the intake workload will display the intake with the View & Edit links next to the returned intake.  

SDM View: In addition to the Edit and View links on intakes being processed, the SDM will see two additional links. A Decision link will display in place of the Edit link on intakes with the status of Complete. After a screening decision is saved with the status of Screened In or Screened In AR, an Edit will display between a View and a Link link for four days. The Link link displays until the intake is linked to a case.  

The Claim By Column

Screener/SDM View: This column displays the name of the screener, or SDM who most recently created or claimed the intake, if other than the person who created/claimed the intake. For the screener/SDM who created, or claimed the intake, Claimed By column is blank.

An intake is claimed two ways:

SDM View: Like the screener view, when an intake is being process; the person's name in the Claimed By column has claimed the intake. If the Claimed By column is blank on an intake being processed, you have claimed the intake.   

Additionally for a SDM; once an intake is saved as Complete, it is not claimed and the Claimed By field is blank on all SDM intake workloads. There are two ways to claim a completed intake:

After a SDM saves the screening decision, the intake will display in all SDM intake workloads. The Claimed By field is blank.

Intake ID/Screening Priority

After an intake is added, an Intake ID is system generated. In this column it displays as a link opening the intake as read only. The intake ID can not be edited, or deleted. Below the intake ID is the screening priority and timer. The screening priority populates based on:

The timer below the priority counts down from 24 hours when the intake was created, (Apply or Save was selected to create the intake). After 24 hours, the timer will display 00:00 remaining until the intake screening decision is saved.

Once a screening decision is saved, this column will display only the Intake ID as a hyperlink to the intake.   

Workload Name

This column populates from the name entered by the screener/SDM on the intake's Basic tab. This name can be changed or deleted until the intake decision is saved.


This column displays the category selected by the screener on the intake's Basic tab. Below the Category name, the system will display specific identifiers based on what is recorded on the intake such as if the intake is identified as or   .   

Date/Time Received

This column populates from the Received field on the bottom row of the intake's header. Upon adding an intake, the system defaults to display the date/time it was added to the system. It may not reflect the actual date and time the intake was received. The date/time fields can be changed to the actual date/time the intake was received. It can be edited until the screening decision is saved. Any changes to the Received field will populate here. This column can be sorted in ascending or descending order from the column header by selecting the sorting arrows.  

Screener Name/SDM Name

The system auto populates this column with the name of the Screener who added the intake and the name of the SDM who saved the screening decision. The Screener Name may not be the name of the person showing in the Claimed By column if the intake was edited by a screener other than who added the intake. This column can be sorted in ascending or descending order from the column header by selecting the sorting arrows.  


This column is system generated based on the current status of the intake. The status populates from:

This column can be sorted in ascending or descending order from the column header by selecting the sorting arrows.  

Status Date/Time

The information in this column is system generated, based on the date/time the intake was added/created to the system, (Apply or Save). The data in this column populates from the top row of the intake's header. It can not be edited, or deleted.

Icon Column

The furthest column on the right displays three icons:


The Intake Workload allows you to:

Once a screening decision has been saved, the intake can be linked to an existing case or a new case can be created. Once an intake is linked to a case, it will no longer be on the Intake Workload.