Copy Scripted Questions to the Intake Narrative

Scripted questions are provided to assist the Intake Screener in developing dialogue with the Intake Reporter to gather and document as much pertinent information as possible. The system defaults to display the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services template.

To add scripted questions from a template to an Intake Narrative as follows:

  1. From Intake Workspace above the Narrative field on the left of the any Intake tab screen, Click on the Scripts and Templates link. The Select Template Option screen appears. The system defaults to display Ohio Department of Job and Family Services template.

  2. To view or copy the scripted questions from this template, select subject heading link or links. The system displays the set of scripted questions associated with each subject heading. Subject headings are:    

           Child Safety



           Other Household Member

  1. You have multiple options to select scripted questions from this template:

  2. Click in the box next to the subject heading to select all scripted questions listed under the subject heading.

  1. Click the Copy Selected to Narrative button. The questions selected appear in the Intake Narrative field. If there is existing narrative entered, the questions will display at the end of any narrative entered regardless of where your cursor was placed when the text was copied over.

You can add, edit, and erase all text entered, and added to the intake narrative field until the screening decision is saved. Once the screening decision is saved the intake narrative is view only.