Intake Workspace
The intake workspace displays the narrative field. This area allows screeners to reference and edit narrative and comments while recording the intake. By default, this screen will display to the left of the intake on all tabs.
Under the Intake Workspace heading, are two links. The will perform a spell check
on the narrative. The
navigates you to the Scripts & Templates screen where you can select
scripted questions to copy to the intake narrative; and reference intake
policy and field guides.
Once you begin entering the intake narrative, the system will automatically save the information you are recording every 30 seconds. As the auto save feature saves the narrative, the system will display the last date and time it occurred in green in the area directly above the narrative. The Expand View link allowing the screener to open the narrative. An Exit Full Screen link restores the field view. The character counter box next to the expand view link will subtract characters entered to display remaining allotted characters you can enter.
The Intake Narrative field defaults to displays to the left of all intake tabs. On each details screen the same narrative is available in a Current Narrative expandable link.
Below the narrative is an Additional Comments About Intake (internal use only) field. This field provides the screener, and/or screening decision maker the option to exchange internal comments about the intake. Any information entered in this field will display until the intake is linked to the case. Once linked to a case the comments will no longer appear in the intake and cannot be retrieved.
The intake narrative, and comments can be edited until the intake decision is saved. Once the intake decision is saved these will be view only. Once the intake is linked to the case the comments field will not display and cannot be retrieved.