View the Intake Workload
The Intake Workload displays all in process intakes. The Intake Workload provides various tools and options to help you locate a specific intake, identify and/or organize how to manage the intake workload based on priority, and the amount of time remaining to save a screening decision from the 24-hours.
To view the Intake Workload screen, complete the following steps:
Click the Intake tab. The Intake Workload screen appears. The View By field identifies all in process intakes that display as Default.
Click in the View By field and select the filter criteria name from the drop down list for the intakes you want to display.
Click Filter. The intakes meeting that filter criteria display in the table.
Each time the systems displays intakes in Intake List area, either by default or by selecting a view by option; the system shows you the quantity of intakes listed for the default, or view by filter. Once a view by option is filtered, the system will not return to the default view, or change the view by filter until the next instance of entering the Intake module. If no intakes match the default or view by filter, only the Add Intake button in the bottom of the Intake List will display.
To view intakes with time
remaining in the 24-hour deadline for a screening decision, click
in the View By field. Select
Time Remaining from the list.
What displays on the Intake Workload depends on the worker's role:
Intake Workload Screen Displays: |
Intake Removed from Workload When: |
For a screener |
For a screening decision maker |