Protocol for Person Merge

If the duplicate person records were created by a separate county, they are then considered "owned" by the county that created them. If the duplicate person records are owned by another county, the person who intends to merge the records should contact the SACWIS Coordinator for the owning county so that each county is able to give input as to whether the records are in fact duplicates and which person record should be retained and which should be removed. The list of SACWIS Coordinators is posted on the SACWIS Knowledge Base.

To determine the "owning" county, complete a person search. From the Person Overview screen, select the SACWIS History link from the navigation bar on the left. The owning agency will display in the Agency column with the cases, intakes, and providers listed in the SACWIS history.                                                                           


If one county owns the person record with an open intake/case/provider and the other county owns the person record with a closed intake/case/provider; the owning county to perform the merge is the county with the open record.  

When both person records are associated with a closed intake/case/provider record, the county associated with the most recent open record is the owning county and should perform the merge.

Guidelines to be followed

A thorough search and analysis should be conducted prior to a merge being completed to ensure that the records are definitely duplicates. These guidelines should still be followed to determine which person record should be retained and which should be removed:

*Once Person Records are Merged, the Project is Unable to Unmerge them*