Non-ODJFS providers include out-of-state home providers, health care providers, tutors, group homes, residential facilities, and so on. They are added to the Ohio SACWIS database via the Provider Directory tab. This tab requires you to conduct a search first, to make sure the provider is not already in the database.
You must have this information in order to create a new non-ODJFS record:
Provider name
Provider type
Provider address
At least one provider contact
Add a non-ODJFS provider as follows:
From the Home screen, click the Provider tab..
Click the Directory tab. The Provider Search screen appears.
Enter your search criteria, such as the provider's name, category, or type.
Click Search. The providers that meet your criteria appear in the Search Results field.
If the provider already exists in the database, click
the View or Edit link to open the provider's
If the provider is not in the database, complete the following steps
to add the provider.
Click Add Non-ODJFS Provider. The Basic tab of the provider information screen appears.
If the provider has another type of ID you want to record (for example, a legacy provider ID or vendor ID), enter the reference.
Click the Address tab.
Click Add Address. The Domestic Address search screen appears. The system requires you to make sure that an address does not already exist in the database before you enter a new one.
Enter the address in the search criteria.
Click Search. The system displays addresses that match or closely match the one you entered.
If the address is already in the system, click the
If not, enter
the provider's address.