The provider's record includes a phone number and email address for contacting the provider. If there's only one phone number, the system flags it as the primary contact number. If a number or email address was entered incorrectly, or has changed, you correct the number or add a new contact record.
Change a provider's contact information as follows:
Click the Provider tab at the top of the screen.
Click the Workload tab. The Workload screen appears.
Click the Select link for the provider whose name you want to update. The Provider Overview screen appears.
Click the Provider Information link in the Provider Actions field. The system defaults to the Basic tab; the Provider Name Information screen appears.
Click the Address tab. The Provider Address screen appears. The Provider Contact table displays the provider's phone numbers and email addresses. .
Click the Edit link for the contact record you want to change or end-date. The Contact Information screen appears.
Make any changes necessary. Clear the check mark from the Primary check box if this is not the primary record, or select the check box if this is the primary record.
Click OK. You are returned to the Provider Address screen.
Click Save. You are returned to the Provider Overview screen.