Lookup data refers to the items that appear in selection lists and drop-down menus in Ohio SACWIS. It consists of categories and values, where a category can have one or more values.  For example, if "State" is a category, the names of the 50 states are the values of that category. Only active values appear in the application’s drop-down lists.
Display lookup categories and their values as follows:
Click the Administration tab at the top of the screen.
Click the Maintenance tab.
Click the Lookup Data link in the menu on the left. The Category Search screen appears.
Enter your search criteria. You can use the wildcard feature. (See Search screens for more assistance.)
Click Search. The system displays the categories that match the name you entered.
Click the Edit link the category you want to view. The Lookup Category Details screen appears.
Click the Edit link for a value to view its details. The Lookup Values screen appears.
Click Cancel. You are returned to the Lookup Category Details screen.
Click Cancel. You are returned to the Category Search screen.