Search Screens


A search screen allows you to find specific records in Ohio SACWIS. Since this is a statewide system, most searches look for records entered by any agency in the State. The system displays a search screen when you:

Completing a Search

Click the Search button in the header from anywhere in the application. A window opens to display a list of search links. By clicking any of the links, the system will take you to that search screen. The other search option screens display as tabs from which you can select.

The quickest way to find a record is to enter its unique ID number, for example, a Provider ID number or an Intake ID number. If you don't have this number, you can use other criteria to locate the record.

All but the Employee Search tab include an Advanced Search Criteria link, which opens additional criteria fields you can use in your search, for example, the social security number on a person profile.

All but the Provider Search tab include a Sort Results By drop-down list, which allows you to indicate how you want the system to list the results of your search.

After entering your search criteria, click the Search button. To clear the criteria you entered and start over, click Clear Form.

The screen displays the results in a table in the Results table. Each row in this table represents a record that matches, or partially matches, your search criteria. Depending on the search results, a View and/or Edit link will appear in the left-most column that you will select to open and examine the record.

If you conducted the search from other search screens in SACWIS, the search results may include a Select link to add the person to the record.


Person Search: Sounds Like, Wildcard, and Specific Search Options

The Person Search screen displays an AKA check box and a Sounds Like check box next to the Last Name field.

The AKA check box searches for names "also known as."

The Sounds Like check box instructs the system to display names that sound similar to the one you entered. This is a useful feature if you are not sure how a name is spelled. If you are sure of the spelling, clear the check mark for a more efficient search.

You can also use the % (percent sign) as a wildcard symbol for name searches. Type the % sign before or after letters of a name instructs the system to look for all names that end or begin with the characters you entered. You can even surround the letters with the wildcard symbol. For example, if you type %van%, the system looks for names with van anywhere in the name.

If you want the system to only display specific searches, enclose the data in " " (parenthesis). For example, if you type "Wood" in as a last name, the system will only return results with Wood. It will not include partial matches.


The system displays [HINT: AKA / "Sounds Like" applies to last/first/middle name only. Wildcard (%) search & "Sounds Like" cannot be used together.]