Record a Finalization Checklist

On the child's adoption case, you keep track of the activities and events by maintaining a short finalization checklist. This checklist is a simple reference to the status of the adoption. When the adoption is actually finalized, you record the court ruling and the change to the child's legal status in the system.

Record the finalization checklist as follows:

  1. Click the Case tab at the top of the screen. The Case Workload screen appears.

  2. Click the case ID Number link for the adoption case you want to update. The Case Overview screen appears.

  3. Click the View Member Details link in the Case Actions field. The system defaults to the Members tab; The Case Member Information screen appears.

  4. Click the Placement/Finalization/Case Closure tab. The Adoption Placement/Finalization Information screen appears. The summary table indicates whether the finalization checklist is complete.

  5. Click the Edit link for the child whose finalization information you want to update. The Adoption Placement/Finalization Details screen appears.

  6. In the Finalization Checklist field, select the check box next to each activity that is completed.

  7. Click Save. You are returned to the Adoption Placement/Finalization Information screen. If all of the finalization checklist items have been checked, the summary table on this screen indicates that the finalization checklist is complete.

  8. Click Close. You are returned to the Case Overview screen.