The person record reflects child's legal status. A child may have one active legal status record of each of these types:
Agency: Includes all types of PCSA agencies custody or court-ordered protective supervision. Each custody episode must be associated with a IV-E FCM eligibility determination. The system automatically creates this record for each "initial" agency legal status for the custody episode and notifies the fiscal worker.
Child: Includes all types of custody held by any entity other than the PCSA (that is, relative, DYS, Title IV-E, Court).
You can update an existing legal status or create a new legal status record for a child who is an active member of any open case. (That is, you cannot update the legal status of a child who is not a currently active member of a case.)
The method for updating a child's legal status depends on whether the change is the result of a court ruling. If so, the legal status change is made through the ruling record on the case. If not, the legal status change is recorded on the child's person profile. In either instance, you may need to terminate the previous legal status before you add a new one.