Record Pre-Adoptive Staffing Details

The initial pre-adoptive staffing conference is a formal meeting scheduled soon after (within 45 days) the agency is granted permanent custody of a child. The conference includes workers on the child's original case, workers on the child's adoption case, and other invitees as needed, who plan the transfer of the case. You can record the initial pre-adoptive staffing record to indicate when the conference is scheduled and who is invited to attend, then finish the record later, after the conference is held and you're ready to distribute completed forms JFS01690 to all interested individuals.

After the initial record is complete, you follow the applicable steps below to update records based on subsequent reviews. Pre-staffing information is recorded separately for each child in the case. Each child has only one initial pre-adoptive staffing record and any number of subsequent updates. Updates are based on reviews completed after the initial meeting.

Record pre-adoptive staffing details as follows:

  1. From the Home screen, click the Case tab.

  2. Click the Workload tab. The Case Workload screen appears.

  3. Click the case ID Number link for the adoption case you want to adopt. The Case Overview screen appears.

  4. Click the Placement Decision/Staffing link in the menu on the left.  

  5. Do one of the following:

    If the child has been added:

    Select the child's name link. A summary table appears. Click the Edit link.

    If the child has not been added:

    Click Add Child. Complete both fields on the Child Selection for Pre-Adoptive Staffing screen, and click Save.

The Pre-Adoptive Staffing Participants screen appears. A table displaying each pre-adoptive staffing record appears.

  1. Identify the participants invited to the pre-adoptive staffing conference. After the conference is held, select the check boxes in the Attended column next to each participant who attended the pre-adoptive staffing meeting.

  2. Click the Child Adoptive Information tab, then complete the fields on this screen. Select the check box next to each special need that applies to this child. Complete the information about any siblings this child has.

  3. Click the Child Needs tab, then describe any particular needs this child has. If this child is being placed based on ethnicity, complete the fields in the Multi-Ethnic Placement Act Considerations area.

  4. After the meeting is held, click the Pre-Adoptive Staffing Summary tab, then complete the narrative fields on this screen. These include a summary of the meeting's outcomes and a summary of the plans to obtain a permanent home for the child.

  5. After the conference is held and all the information has been recorded, click the JFS01690 tab. Select the check box next to Generate Notices. The system sends email notifications to workers with valid email addresses in the Ohio SACWIS database to inform them that a JFS01690 report is available to view online..

    Once you select the Generate Notices check box, this initial record is considered complete and no edits may be made to it. You can create new update records for subsequent reviews, however.

  6. Click Save. You are returned to the Placement Decision Process screen.

  7. Repeat steps 4 through 12 for each child in the case.