When you initiate a search for a person profile, the system searches the entire Ohio SACWIS database, statewide, for the person's name and other demographic information that you enter as search criteria. Person search is also used to search for employees. Select these links to see how to add person records to:
The system requires you to search the Ohio SACWIS database before you record
a new person, to make sure that a record does not already exist. You can
add a new person profile only if you open the Person
Search Criteria screen from an intake, case, provider, or staff
To find a person profile, conduct a person search as follows:
On the Person
Search Criteria screen, enter the criteria that you want to
use for the search.
The most efficient way to locate a person profile is to enter their
Person ID. If you do not have
this number, you must enter at least part of the person's name followed
by % as a wildcard search. Complete additional fields that you want
to use to narrow the search results.
Click the Advanced
Search Criteria link if you want to search using a social security
number, reference number, or address.
Click the Search button. If the person record is in the system, the person record (or records) that meet your search criteria appear in the Results table.
If no results are found, you can create a new person record.
Click the Select link next to the person ID / name. Depending on from where you are attempting to view the person record; the system will either display:
Member Details screen where you will enter additional details and click Save. You will then be taken back to the record from which you added the person.
the name selected from the Person Search Criteria screen will populate on the screen from which you wanted the person added.
Click on the Person ID, or Name/ID link. The Person Overview screen appears.
Select the Profile link from the navigation bar on the left. You are taken to the Basic tab in the Person Profile.
The Profile link is where you will record person information, AKA names, demographics, current, and historical address, and contact information; additional reference types/numbers from other systems; person characteristics; safety hazards, and confidential information.
To exit the person profile, click the Apply, Save, or Cancel button. You are returned to the Person Overview screen.
Click the Close button to be returned to the screen from which you accessed the person record.