Casework activities are documented to ensure that the system reflects a permanent record of all services and contacts with a family. You can document the provision of social services to families and children at any time during the life of a case. These include any services performed or arranged by the agency to manage the progress, supervision, and protection of the child and his parent, guardian, or custodian. You also document any court activities, visitations, and so on.
You may add case activity log entries to a case even if you are not one of the workers assigned to the case.
Depending on the type of activity, the system automatically links some activity log records with other pieces of work. For example, when you record a face-to-face visit, the system automatically includes that activity log record on the family assessment.
You can edit an existing case activity record in "Draft" status. Once the status of a case activity record is changed to "Completed," you cannot update it. However, you can add an amendment to it. See Amend a completed case activity record.
To record casework activity details, complete the following steps: (Start at the Activity Log step below if you are linking an activity to a case closure record.)
From the Home screen, click the Case tab.
Click the Workload tab. The Case Workload screen appears.
Click the ID Number link of the case you want to update. The Case Overview screen appears.
Click the Activity Log link in the light blue menu on the left. The Activity Log Filter Criteria screen appears. The top portion of the screen allows you to define the criteria for displaying the list of activity log items that have been recorded on this case. The items are listed in the table below.
If you do not see the item in the list, select filter criteria to limit the display, then click the Filter button.
To enter a new case activity record, click the Add Activity button.
To view an activity, click the View link in the appropriate row.
To amend an existing activity record in "Draft" status, click the Amend link next to the date of the activity you want to update. The Activity Details screen appears.
Complete the fields on this screen to thoroughly describe the activity. The following fields are mandatory:
Responsible Worker
Start Activity Date
Contact Type
Case Category
Sub Category
Activity State
Click the Associate Participants link in the Activity Association section (middle of the screen) to identify the case members who are participants in this activity. The Associate Participants screen appears, listing each case member who has been added to the case record. (If there are no participants, go to the Save step below.)
Certain mandated activities require that you to identify the case members who are participants in an activity. For an ongoing case, at least one participant must be linked to an activity.
Select the check box next each associated participant, then click the OK button. You are returned to the Activity Details screen.
Click the Save button. You are returned to the Activity Log Filter Criteria list screen. The activity appears in the Activity Log section at the bottom of the screen.