This screen allows you, as a State IV-E administrator, to update a cost ceiling for a service/group category associated with a private substitute care or other private provider. The system displays ceiling records in the order in which they appear on the JFS 02911 form.
When you click Calculate, the system updates the totals. If ceiling change causes a service ceiling adjustment, the system makes any resulting reimbursement adjustments when you save the screen. A service ceiling is considered to be an adjustment when:
A new effective date overlaps a previously entered effective date
You change the service ceiling amount
View provider service ceilings
Record provider service ceilings
5101:2-47-11 Reimbursement for foster care maintenance costs for children's residential centers, group homes, maternity homes, residential parenting facilities, and purchased foster care homes
5101:2-47-19 Foster care maintenance program reimbursability: payments, reimbursements, graduation expenses and personal incidentals
[FM04 s02]