A Payment Requests Roster organizes payment requests ready for payment into logical groupings for ease of validation and approval. When the system processes payment requests for a roster, it retrieves the service authorizations due for payment in the month specified, as well as any adjustments the system calculated automatically.
Some services that are not associated with a service authorization and certain adjustments must be added to a roster manually. You can record a manual payment request for almost any type of service, even one that should have a service authorization. If the system finds a payment for the same payee, recipient, and service, but without an authorization, the system will not generate another payment request for the same period. It updates the authorization number in the payment record and the units used in the service authorization.
Append payment requests to a roster as follows:
1. Click the Financial tab at the top of the screen.
2. Click the Payment tab.
3. Click the Payment Requests Search link in the navigation bar on the left. The Payment Requests Roster Search Criteria screen appears.
4. Enter Claim Begin and Claim End date fields. Additional fields are available to narrow your search; including Person Search Criteria and Provider Search Criteria.
5. Click Search. The payment requests that match your search criteria appear in the Payment Requests Search Results table. Review the list of payment requests. If the list does not contain the payment request for which you are search; enter additional search criteria and click Search again. In the column of the results you are given the option to select payment requests you may want to Exclude or Delete.
6. In the Options field select Append to Roster. Click Go. The Add to Roster screen appears.
7. Select Roster Status; then, Worker and Roster fields. The roster names are organized by worker.
8. Create manual payment to add to payment requests roster by Payment by Provider, Payments by Service Authorization or Payments by Foster Parent Training Session.
9. Click Save. If the roster to which you are appending the payment requests had been approved, that roster's status will change to unapproved and will need to be approved before submitting for disbursement.
10. You can view the appended roster by going to View a Payment Requests Roster