You can record an application for non-IV-E Medicaid benefits in Ohio SACWIS when the child is eligible for Medicaid benefits, like Healthy Start, for example, not related to Title IV-E. If an application was entered in error, you can delete the application if it is in "Pending" status.
Delete a Medicaid application as follows:
Click the Financial tab at the top of the screen.
Click the Eligibility tab.
Click the Medicaid Eligibility link in the left navigation bar. The Child Selection screen appears.
Click Person Search, then locate and select the child whose Medicaid eligibility you want to view. After you select the child, the Medicaid Application History table appears.
Enter the child's ID in the Person ID field. Click Go. The Medicaid Application History table appears.
In the Medicaid Application History table, click the Delete link next to the record in "Pending" status that was entered in error. The system displays a dialog box asking you to confirm the deletion.
Click OK. The application record is deleted.