If an eligibility record was created in error, you can delete it as long as it in "Pending" status. (See Delete an eligibility determination record.) If the record is in "Complete" status, you can invalidate it by indicating on the record that it was created in error. You would do this when the agency legal status record for the custody episode was created in error.
An eligibility record may not be created in error when there are reimburseability
records in existence in the system related to that eligibility record.
The user must first delete any associated reimburseability records.
Once this is accomplished the eligibility record can then be created
in error.
Invalidate an eligibility record as follows:
Click the Financial tab at the top of the screen.
Click the Eligibility tab.
Click the Eligibility/Reimbursability link in the left navigation bar. The Child Selection search screen appears.
Click Person Search, then locate and select the child whose eligibility you want to determine. After you select the child, the screen displays histories of the eligibility and reimbursability records.
Enter the child's person ID and click Go.
Click the View link next to the eligibility record. The Eligibility Details screen appears.
Select the Created in Error check box at the bottom of the screen.
Click Save. You are returned to the Program Eligibility/Reimbursability history screen.