Manage Adoption Subsidy Workload Assignments

When an assigned adoption subsidy record is associated to an adoption that is finalized and sealed, the system will automatically end the eligibility worker's adoption subsidy work assignment on the old person ID and automatically create a new work assignment for the eligibility specialist on the new person ID.

To manage the financial subsidy workload assignments:

  1. From the Home screen, click the Financial tab.

  2. Click the Adoption Subsidy Workload tab.

  3. Click Manage Assignments link in the left navigation bar. The Manage Assignments screen appears.

  4. The person managing the assignment's name populates the Assignments For field.

  5. Click Subordinates field and select worker who's assignments you want to manage.

  6. Click Show button. The Assignments For worker's name table populates assignments.

  7. To narrow assignment search by child; click Person Search button and locate and select the child whose subsidy record you want to view. When you select the child from the search results, the system returns you to the Assignments For screen.


  1. Enter the child's Person ID and click Show button.

  2. Click the box next to the name of the subsidy assignment you want to manage or click the Select All button.

  3. Click Unassign to remove assignment.

  4. Click Transfer. You are taken to the Assign Work Item screen.

  5. Select the box next to the Employee ID to whom you want to transfer the assignment. You are taken to the Assign Work Item screen.

  6. Enter Start Date. Click Save or Cancel. You are take to the Assign Work Item screen.