Process: Determine eligibility for IV-E FCM
The Eligibility screen allows you to capture information related to eligibility requirements. The system lists the requirements 1 to 9 with a status of "Incomplete" when you first open this screen. Once you save the specific requirements screen, the system updates the status.
Review requirements 1 to 6 as follows:
From the Eligibility Details screen, click the View Requirements 1-6 link. The Requirements 1 to 6 screen appears.
The system retrieves most of the information on this screen from the child's person profile and legal record, while you complete additional details.
If the system cannot find ruling records to complete the information for Best Interest - Requirements 3 and Reasonable Efforts - Requirement 4, the system completes Requirements 3 and 4 according to the business rules that apply, such as ”r;Not Received,” ”r;Not Required,” etc.
Select Yes or No in the U.S. Citizen field, to indicate whether the child is a citizen of the United States.
If the child is not a U.S. citizen, complete the qualified alien details.
Verify the selection in the Age Verification field, and select another value if necessary.
Describe how you confirmed the child's age in the How Verified field.
If the child was removed from the home of a relative, select Yes in the Was the child removed from a specified relative? field, then complete the following fields. These fields describe who the child was living with when he or she came into the agency's custody.
Click Save. You are returned to the Eligibility Details screen.
Click Next Task below to continue.