Managing your financial work items appear under the Financial Workload tab. Here you can assign, unassign, and end assignment by worker or by person.
To manage your workload assignments by worker, complete the following steps:
Click the Financial tab; then the Workload tab. The FCM Workload navigation bar appears on the left of the screen.
In the navigation bar on the left; under the Adoption Subsidy Workload heading; click the Assignments by Workload link. The Assignments By Worker screen appears.
Select the Supervisor from the drop down. Select the Worker.
Click Filter. The results display in the Assignments For table. You can click on the underlined alphabetic letter with the first letter of the last name to quickly search for those results.
Select the box next to the Child Name / ID link you want unassigned. You can also click the Select All button at the bottom of the screen.
Click the Unassign button. The records are removed from the person's assignment list. To find the unassigned cases; see View and Assign Unassigned Adoption Subsidy Workoads