View and Assign Unassigned Adoption Subsidy Workoads

Your financial work items appear under the Financial Workload tab. The FCM Workload assignments associated with a particular case can be managed from here.

To view and assign children's FCM workloads assigned, complete the following steps:

  1. Click the Financial tab; then the Workload tab. The FCM Workload navigation bar appears on the left of the screen.

  2. In the navigation bar on the left; under the Adoption Subsidy Workload heading; click the Unassigned link. The Unassigned Children screen appears.

  3. Select Financial Worker to filter through and reduce search results. Click Filter. The results appear in the table below.

  4. Select the box next to the Child Name / ID  that you want to assign. Click the Assign button. The Assign Work Item screen appears.

  5. Click the box next to the name from the Employee table to whom the record should be assigned.  

  6. Click Assign. The Employee Assignment screen appears.

  7. Enter the Start Date. Complete any Comments in the narrative field.

  8. Click Save. You are returned to the Unassigned Children screen. The children are removed from the list and assigned to the worker.