View a Client's Benefit Accounts and Payments

A child's benefit payments (child support, SSA, SSI, and so on) are used to offset the cost of the child's care. The system retains a history of the benefits a child receives, including the type, amount, and benefit payment date range. Payments are made to benefit accounts, which are established when a benefit application is submitted. The account is used to document whether the application is accepted, rejected, or closed, and to accept approved benefit payments.

View a child's benefit accounts and payments as follows:

  1. Click the Financial tab at the top of the screen. The Services screen appears.

  2. Click the Benefits tab. The Client Benefit Account search screen appears.

  3. Enter either the child's Social Security Number or Person ID number.


  1. Click Person Search and locate and select the child for which benefits need added. Once the child is selected, you are returned to the Client Benefit Account Criteria screen.  

  2. The Client Benefit Account Search Results is populated with the child's name and birth date.

  3. The Accounts table populates with existing benefit accounts. Click Edit or Add Benefit link to make changes to the existing account.

  4. Click Add Account button add a benefit account.

  5. The Benefits table is populated with the history of benefits. Click Edit next to a benefit if it needs marked Created in Error. You are taken to the Client Benefit Details screen.  

  6. Click Cancel or once the box is selected as Created in Error, click Save. You are returned to the Client Benefit Account Criteria screen.