Payments under a IV-E Adoption Assistance (AA) subsidy or State Adoption Maintenance Subsidy (SAMS) are managed in the system as a recurring payment. For payments under a subsidy for non-recurring adoption expenses, the agency reimburses the family for approved expenses up to a maximum amount. The State, in turn, reimburses the agency. To view a Post Adoption Special Services Subsidy (PASSS), you may do so using the Payment Search page and filtering by the Service Category of PASSS. Disbursements for subsidies are managed through the payment roster process.
View a history of adoption subsidy disbursements as follows:
From the Home screen, click the Financial tab.
Click the Payment tab.
Click the Adoption Subsidy Disbursements link in the navigation bar on the left. The Adoption Subsidy Disbursement Filter Criteria screen appears.
Your Agency auto populates, or select Agency.
Enter Person ID or click Person Search and locate and select the child whose subsidy disbursement you want to view. The system searches for the child's adoptive case first. If there is no adoptive case, the system searches for any case in which the child is a participant.
Clear Expedite Status field.
Click Filter. The Adoption Subsidy Disbursements table displays adoption subsidy disbursements.