You can create a Medicaid mailing address that is different from the primary address created and listed in the provider record. This is the address to which the Medicaid card will be mailed.
Medicaid mailing information entered after monthly cutoff will be applied to the Medicaid cards processed at the following month's cutoff.
Medicaid mailing information entered after monthly cutoff will be applied to the Medicaid cards processed at the following month's cutoff.
View or override a Medicaid mailing address as follows:
Click the Financial tab at the top of the screen.
Click the Eligibility tab.
Click the Medicaid Mailing Information link in the left navigation bar. The Provider Selection screen appears.
Click the Provider Search button. For additional information; see About Provider Information. The Provider Profile Search Criteria screen appears.
Enter the fields to search for the provider, or enter Provider ID.
Click Search. The results display in the Provider Profile Search Results table.
Click the Select button. You are returned to the Provider Search screen. The information displays in the Medicaid Mailing Information table.
In the Override Medicaid Mailing Information table; click the Override Mailing Address button. The Override Medicaid Mailing Information Details screen appears. The primary address from the provider profile populates in the Medicaid Cards Delivered to table with the radio button selected.
Enter the C / O Name and Effective Date.
Click the Add Address button. The Domestic Address Search Criteria screen appears.
Enter the medicaid mailing address information. Click Search. The results appear in the Domestic Address Search Results table.
Click Select. The address populates in the Medicaid Cards Delivered to table. The radio button is now next to the address selected.
Click Save. You are returned to the Provider Selection screen; the address shows in the Medicaid Mailing Information table.